

首页 概况 对外交流动态 教师出国(境)交流 规章制度 办事流程 表格下载 学生出国(境)交流 通知公告 项目介绍 申请流程 学子风采 Job Opportunities Jobs and Vancancies 来华留学生教育 招生项目 校园设施 入学手续 收费标准 联系我们 English 概况 概况 当前位置首页  概况 学校目前与30多个国家的80余所高校建立合作关系,与世界名校美国杜克大学、美国罗格斯大学、美国普渡大学西北校区、西班牙圣地亚哥联合大学等合作开展了海外学习项目、交换生项目、2+2双学位项目、本硕连读项目和短期学习实践项目等;与中东欧11个国家16所高校建立了合作关系,学生可以赴合作院校进行交换学习并获得欧盟伊拉斯姆斯(Erasmus)全额资助。 At present, the university has established cooperative relations with over 80 universities and colleges from more than 30 countries and regions. Currently, we offer study abroad program, student exchange program, 2+2 double degree program, combined bachelor’s and master’s degree program, and short-term learning practice program. Participating cooperative universities include Duke University, Rutgers University, Purdue University Northwestern campus, San Diego United University of Spain, etc.Among all the participating institutions, 16 of them are universities in 11 countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Students can go to our partner institutions for exchange study and receive full funding from Erasmus. 学校根据学生学科背景和职业发展需求开设“国际化特色班”,“一带一路语言学院”、“捷克语言文化中心”、“一带一路人才培养创新平台”等国际合作教育平台,制定个性化的人才培养方案,强化学术语言训练,拓展国际化视野,学生名校深造累计逾千人。 According to students’ academic background and career development needs, the university has established various international cooperative education platform, including international characteristic class, “the Belt and Road” language school, Czech language and culture center, “the Belt and Road” talent training innovation platform, etc. We develop personalized talent training programs, strengthen students’ academic language training, and expand their international perspective. Thousand of students apply to world-famous universities for further study.  浙江万里学院汉堡校区成立于2018年9月,2019年10月启用位于Mittelweg 111A的新校区,是我校继引进国际优质教育资源、举办我国首家中外合作办学机构——宁波诺丁汉大学之后,在教育国际化、高等教育走出去方面的又一次全新探索。 Studienzetrum Hamburg, Zhejiang Wanli University was established in September 2018, and settles in Mittelweg 111A since October 2019. It is another attempt on university's internationalization and higher education going out strategy, after the establishment of China's first Sino-foreign cooperative university, the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC), which introduces the international high-quality education resources into China. 浙江万里学院汉堡校区的成立,是对中德两国高等教育的交流与合作的形式和内容新的探索,开创与拓展了在“一带一路”沿线国家的教育交流与合作的新模式。汉堡校区将作为万里学院全球化战略的重要组成部分,成为万里学院在欧洲的海外教育基地、中国学生与德国学生学习与实习的组织载体,同时也将有志于成为汇聚中德两国行业、产业专家的智库,更好地与德育区的学术机构和企业开展广泛而具体的互动,并积极推动中德两国在教育、文化、经济等多领域的交流与合作。 The establishment of Studienzentrum Hamburg Zhejiang Wanli University is a new exploration in the form and content of the exchange and cooperation of higher education between China and Germany. It creates and expands the new mode of educational exchange and cooperation in the countries along the belt and road.As an important part of the university’s objective on globalization, Hamburg campus will serve as the overseas education base of ZWU in Europe and the organization carrier for Chinese students and German students to study and practice. Meanwhile, it also aims to become a think tank for industries and experts of the two countries, better interact with academic institutions and enterprises in German education zone, and promote actively the exchanges and cooperation between China and Germany in areas including education, culture, economy, etc. 浙江万里学院国际事务处版权所有 浙江宁波钱湖南路8号(315100) Tel:0574-88222017、88222047 Fax:0574-88222264 Email:[email protected]

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